Auctions are good hunting grounds, but set yourself a price limit. 拍卖会是很好的淘宝场所,但要给自己限定一个价格。
For the problems in the price limit programming and examination of highway engineering construction tender, the paper proposed some ideas for reference. 针对公路工程施工招标最高限价编制和审查中,容易忽视的问题,提出自己的观点和看法,供同行参考。
The paper investigates the influence of price limit on price fluctuation and market liquidity in the light of the financial market microstructure theory. 文章调查了价格限制机制对股票价格波动以及市场流动性的影响。
The ticker symbol and price that are applied to it ( when it is executed) will be compared to the ticker symbol and price limit specified by the business rules ( when it is created). 传给该函数的股票代码和价格,将与业务规则中指定的股票代码及价格相比较。
If you are prepare to raise your price limit by, say, 8%, we may come to term. 如您愿意把价格限度提高一点,比如说8%,我们有可能成交。
Take the third quarter of2006 for instance; it will enter into the price upper limit region and lower price limit region that may threaten the sustainable and steady economic development. 比如2006的第三季度,就将进入威胁经济持续、平稳发展的价格上极限区,不得不警惕。
If the settlement price of that day calculated according to the computation formula exceeds the price limit of the contract, the price limit shall be the settlement price of that day. 根据本公式计算出的当日结算价超出合约涨跌停板价格的,取涨跌停板价格作为当日结算价。
Scale Stocks, Price Limit and Magnet Effect& Empirical Study on High-frequency Data of the Shanghai and Shenzhen A Stock Markets 股本规模、涨跌幅限制与磁石效应&基于沪深A股市场高频数据的实证研究
The Research on the Effects of Price Limit Rule on Chinese A-Share Market 涨跌停板制度对中国A股市场影响的研究
The Pareto-efficiency of Price Limit in Stock Market 股票价格涨跌幅限制的帕雷托效率分析
The Influence of Price Limit Mechanism on Price Fluctuation and Market Liquidity 价格限制机制对股票价格波动及流动性的影响
No price limit, and the bill is on us. 价钱不限,一切费用由我们支付。
Our finding is that price limit policy will bring significant effect to the trading behavior of insiders, which means price limit policy will impede the fulfillment of insiders 'trading activities and delay the discovery of equilibrium price. 发现涨跌幅限制对知情投资者交易行为产生重要影响,主要表现在当均衡价格与当前股价有较大偏离时,涨跌幅限制会使知情投资者推迟当前的交易,延缓了均衡价格的实现。
The Study on Magnet and Cooling-off Effect of Price Limit in Shanghai Stock Market 上海股市涨跌幅限制的磁吸与冷却效应研究
The paper integrates price limit with dynamic profit-adjusting mechanism for the first time, and proposes a new price ceiling method, Profit Capping. 本文将最高限价与动态利润调整机制联系起来,提出一种新的电价上限确定方法&利润上限法;
The price reform will use of model of the highest price limit and price regulation. 深圳城市燃气价格改革采取最高限价模型和价格调节机制来实现。
Two methods deal with the price limit during volatility estimation and ( 3) study the volatility features further trough relative stability. 消除涨跌停板对波动率估计影响的两种方法;3.用波动性的相对稳定性进一步分析波动性特性。
Evidence for China Stock Market: Changing Volatility under A Price Limit Regime 涨跌停板制度下中国A、B股市场波动的动态变化
Based on the rational expectation framework and from the perspective of market microstructure, the paper analyzes the effect of price limit on trading mechanism of stock market. 本文从市场微观结构的角度,采用理性预期分析框架、探讨价格限制对股票交易的作用。
This paper researches the tail-index estimate of Shanghai-Shenzhen stock index returns and analyzes the tail change of stock index returns before daily price limit and after daily price limit. 应用HKKP估计方法对沪深股指收益率的尾指数进行估计,并对涨跌停板前后股指收益率尾部的变化状况进行分析。
While there are considerable but not a large number of noise traders, the existence of price limit institute has little influence on the degree of excess volatility. 市场中有限理性投资者占大多数,但并不能忽略噪音交易者的力量,其数量上在投资者总体中仍占有相当比重的条件下,涨跌幅限制幅度的大小对于过度波动程度的改变没有明显的差异。
The highest price limit is normally employed in price supervision system. 价格管制是政府对特许经营燃气企业进行干预的重要手段。一般是采取法定最高价格等价格管制的方法。
Empirical results, McNeil and Frey ( 2000) used GARCH model and estimate the extreme value theory often exceed the price limit of price changes, the more unreasonable. 实证结果发现,McNeil和Frey(2000)所采用的GARCH模型与极值理论常会估计出超过涨跌幅限制的价格变化,较为不合理。
Fourthly, we should set up an idea of overall risk supervision and carry out qualification standards in the financial derivatives market, including the market access, the margin system, the price limit, and information disclosure system and so on. 四要对金融衍生交易市场的各项制度进行全面风险监管以及实施量化标准,包括市场准入制度、保证金制度、涨跌停板制度、信息披露制度等。
If there is no price limit, in order to use their private information, informed traders may be too anxious to buy or sell stocks and make the buying or selling decision too early, causing them to lose some wealth. 在没有涨跌幅限制的情况下,知情交易者为利用私有信息,可能急于卖出或买入股票,过早地做出了买卖的选择,反而因此损失了部分财富。
So we should broaden the price limit to increase liquidity. 从提高流动性,减少流动性波动性的角度出发,应该放宽正负10%的涨跌幅限制。
Price control system includes CircuitBreaker and Price Limit policy. 价格限制制度可以包括熔断制度和涨跌停板制度。
Currently, the stock index futures in the risk prevention system are: deposit system; price limit related systems; position limits system and large reporting system; forced open system; settlement system and the risk of UNPROFOR reserve system; risk warning system. 现有股指期货交易中的风险防范制度主要有:保证金制度;价格限制相关制度;持仓限额制度和大户报告制度;强制平仓制度;结算联保制度和风险准备金制度;风险警示制度。
Through the research on market structure and etc., based on principal-agent relationship mechanism, the upper and lower price limit regulation is thoroughly researched. 通过市场结构等方面的研究,基于委托-代理机制,重点研究了上下限管制的方法以及综合运用的方式。